To meet demands for seedlings required for the implementation of aforementioned forest restoration or afforestation through ANR and AR, new permanent forestry nurseries are created under management of the ADCs and existing permanent nurseries managed by FED are improved. According to the policy of using quality planting materials (QPM) by FED, seedlings with a certain quality are produced at permanent nurseries managed by FED or the ADCs in order to ensure high survival rate and vigorous growth of seedlings after being planted in the field. However, because it is difficult to procure all necessary seedlings for the plantations from the permanent nurseries and transport seedlings to all plantation sites, community nurseries have been established near plantation sites in some areas where nurseries can be established.
Creation of Permanent Nurseries
As of May 2019, out of three ADCs in the state, only Jaintia Hills ADC has a permanent nursery. Based on the proposal of the ADCs and upon necessity of producing seedlings for the implementation of aforementioned ANR and AR in forests registered as VRF or CF to the ADCs, permanent nurseries shall be established under the ADCs. Land availability and conditions of candidate sites will be examined from the following aspects: accessibility to road, permanent water supply, proper drainage with gentle slope, supply of suitable soil materials, and low possibility of flooding. The specifications of the permanent nurseries are as follows: permanent nursery beds, manure mixing space, frame and shade for protection of seedlings from frost during winter and direct sunlight in warm areas, and fence. They correspond to the specifications indicated in the Cost Norms for Creation and Maintenance of Plantations & Nurseries 2018-2019 prepared by FED andalso adopted in the Forest Department of the ADCs. At the permanent nurseries newly constructed under the ADCs, seedlings will be produced by the staff of the Forest Department of each ADC.In case of Khasi Hills ADC and Garo Hills ADC, which do not have any nurseries at this moment, technical support may be provided by FED upon necessity.
Improvement of Existing Nurseries
Seedlings required for the implementation of aforementioned ANR and AR on JFM target areas will be produced mainly at nurseries managed by FED. As of May 2019, there are 4 permanent nurseries (central nurseries) in 3 divisions, two high tech nurseries (HTNs) in East Garo Hills District and Ri-Bhoi District, 29 range level nurseries, and 7 beat level nurseries. In order to meet increasing demands of seedlings for the implementation of aforementioned ANR and AR, it is necessary to improve some of the existing nurseries by installing new facilities including a mist chamber, vermicompost, and sprinklers. A tentative target is the improvement of 15 nurseries in 7 Division Forest Offices. This means that 2 to 3 existing nurseries will be upgraded in each division. DFOs will choose candidate nurseries to be improved and decide in consultation with the FED Headquarters. In the improved nurseries, Range Officers will be responsible mainly for seedling production under supervision of DFO.
Creation of Community Nurseries
Community nurseries have been established to complement shortfall of seedlings produced at the nurseries managed by the ADCs or FED. Location of community nurseries shall be decided from the following aspects: accessibility to road, permanent water supply, proper drainage with gentle slope, supply of suitable soil materials, and low possibility of flooding. The location will be decided by communities in consultation with forest officials of the ADCs or FED. The specifications of a community nursery are as follows: temporary nursey beds, manure mixing space, shed, mother beds, and fencing. Community nurseries will be established by community members, especially members of committees in charge of restoration of forest vegetation, such as JFMC and VRC, with technical support by forest officials of the ADCs or FED. Seedling production at community nurseries will be also conducted by the community members with technical support by forest officials of the ADCs or FED.