Community development and livelihood improvement

Improve livelihoods and promote inclusive community development by involving women and youths, introducing alternative income sources, and providing skill development, marketing, and financial support.

Community development and livelihood improvement

Under this component, the Project aims at promoting inclusive community development and improving the livelihoods of people in selected villages. To achieve these objectives, the Project will need to actively involve women and youths in the Project, who have often been excluded from the decision-making processes of existing traditional community institutions, as well as introducing alternative income sources to people in selected villages and providing them with skill development, marketing, and financial supports. The Project will hire external resource organizations or NGOs to promote inclusive community development and income generation activities.

Community mobilization and gender sensitization

Community mobilization and gender sensitization

In the preparatory process of the Project, community mobilization and gender sensitization are the most important processes because...

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Self help group (SHG) Activities

Self help group (SHG) Activities

The Project will undertake Self-help Group (SHG) activities which are consisted of two types:


  • 1. Micro-credit activities
  • 2. Income generation...
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Key Activities for making Micro plan

  • Training/Workshops on How to Make a Micro Plan
  • Conducting PRA
  • Planning a Micro Plan Converged...
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Entry point activities

Entry point activities

It will take a certain period of time until the micro plan of each selected village gets approved...

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Soil and water conversation for livelihood improvement

Soil and water conversation for livelihood improvement

Water conservation is essential for livelihood improvement in the Project. To, contribute livelihood improvement in the target areas,...

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  2. Phone

    0364 3510190

    Office of the Project Director, Project for Community Based Forest Management & Livelihoods Improvement in Meghalaya, Shalom Building, 2nd Floor, Lower Lachumere, Shillong - 793001 Meghalaya


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