Institutional strengthening

Effective project implementation involves robust infrastructure, personnel training, monitoring and evaluation systems, and strong project publicity. These components ensure efficient execution and oversight, while capacity building for all involved is crucial for success.

Institutional strengthening

Institutional strengthening will be a vital part of project implementation. This includes infrastructure required for project implementation, building capacity of personnel who implement and monitor the Project (capacity building of beneficiaries are discussed in Component 2), system of monitoring and evaluation, and publicity for the Project.


All VPIC members (forest owners and other stakeholders from the community) and range officials will be trained on the FWP planning process, basic forest management and group administration etc. to facilitate their informed participation in the FWP development process. The training will particularly focus of their orientation to the project components; VPIC formation, governance, and...

Capacity development

Capacity development

In the preparatory process of the Project, community mobilization and gender sensitization are the most important processes because these are...

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Monitoring and evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation


To grasp the starting point of the Project in terms of physical and economic conditions, and the status of...

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  2. Phone

    0364 3510190

    Office of the Project Director, Project for Community Based Forest Management & Livelihoods Improvement in Meghalaya, Shalom Building, 2nd Floor, Lower Lachumere, Shillong - 793001 Meghalaya


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